Terms of use


The "landlord" in the following text refers to the person who owns the rental object or his contact with a power of attorney to handle the rental.

Update of the occupancy calendar/double bookings

The landlord is obligated to keep his calendar of occupancy updated to prevent double bookings through Trip To's websites. Time periods, which the landlord does not want to rent out using Trip to' services or times with private rentals, have to be blocked in the calendar immediately. All periods, which are shown as available in the booking calendar, can be booked by the guests. If a double booking should happen though, the booking which was made first in our system will be preferred. If this is violated or neglected, the landlord has to bear all additional costs.

Information in ad

The landlord ensures that the information in the ad is accurate and current. Any amendment for example regarding object equipment, e-mail address or account number the landlord undertakes to amend this information as soon as possible on its own website in Trip To's management. Should this change affect an already booked client, the landlord has to contact him as soon as possible. The changes are reviewed and must be confirmed by Trip to before they take effect. The landlord expressly authorizes Trip to use the specified address showing the object's exact location using Google Maps or other mapping service.


The landlord states his prices in the local currency (meaning the currecy in the country where the rental object is located). The listed weekly prices are always based on the chosen day of arrival and departure and seven nights to come.

All prices are bound to the landlord. Price changes can be implemented in the Trip to the management for landlords. New prices go into effect when Trip To has approved them and the landlord has been notified of this via e-mail (normally within 24 hours).

Already booked clients rates cannot be changed afterwards. On TripTo's foreign websites Trip To will state prices in EUR.Trip To determines an exchange rate once a year. The exchange rate can be seen when logging onto the Trip to management for landlords.

In some cases (such as last-minute bookings, corporate bookings or for wrongful payment of a guest to the TripTo account) TripTo will collect the complete amount. In cases like that the landlord will receive the rent in the local currency (in Sweden e.g in SEK)

Extra exepenses/security deposit

All additional costs such as electricity, deposit, cleaning fee, rental of bicycles and boats, must be referenced in the ad.

The landlord has the right to charge a deposit in cash either in advance or upon arrival. If this information is missing in the advertisement and the landlord tells the tenant on arrival he deposit cannot exceed 1000 SEK/100 EUR.

Operating costs such as electricity and water are included in the advertised price if it does not explicitly say that this will be added. The final cleaning has to be done by the tenant if not otherwise agreed. Bed linen and towels are brought by the tenant unless otherwise agreed.

Before the tenant's arrival

The rental object must-before guest's arrival be inspected and prepared, so the following tenants are guaranteed a clean object. Between arrival and departure, the object should be cleaned internally and externally.

Customer arrival/departure, handover of the keys

The customer arrives at the holiday home between the 4 and 7 pm unless otherwise agreed in advance. The tenant shows his booking confirmation which is proof that the tenant may reside in the object. The landlord submits in connection with this key and shows him the home, explaining some features and provides guests with bed linen and towels if the guest has ordered it.

Trip To recommends that the landlord controls the holiday home together with the guest on arrival and on departure. The guest departs the latest at 10 am, unless otherwise agreed.

Should the landlord not be able to meet up with the guests, a contact person has to be designated so that guests will not be affected by the landlord's absence. Both guest and Trip To have to be informed of such changes.

Rental object maintenance

Should Problems occur with the rental object, while tenants are living there or not, the landlord/contact person is obligated to solve the problem. Trip to has to be informed in advance regarding any repairs, etc.

Customer support during the stay

If any problems arise with customers in connection with the lease (complaints) the landlord is obligated to fix this immediately and inform Trip To.

Should problems/errors not be solved or replaced, the landlord may negotiate a rent reduction with the client.

Any complaints should if possible be discussed with tenant on sight. At ev. dispute between tenant and landlords, Trip To is mutually helpful, however, takes no responsibility for breach of contract comitted by the landlord. If Trip To considers the landlord's handling of the complain was incorrect or inadequate it can require the landlord for reimbursement of additional costs.

Copyright, user rights, etc.

Information, including images, texts, videos, that the landlord provides Trip with, can be used comercially, be processed and published without restriction. The landlord confirms that the submitted designs are his own and that he has copyright. right.

The landlord is responsible for the proper handover of the home on arrival to the guest and for all given data are consistent with reality.

Should there be legal or non-legal disputes in connection with a rental and then also cost Trip To extra, these can be fully required back fromlandlord. Trip To does not assume any liability for property destroyed by the guest. Costs of damage of have to be settled between tenant and landlord..

War, natural disasters, strikes, etc.

The landlord has the right to withdraw from the lease in the event of something serious that no one can predict should occur (natural disasters, power outages, problems with water supply, etc..) And the accommodation of such a reason can not be inhabited. In such cases, the tenant has to be refunded the paid amount, time spent in the home may be deducted.

Clearance of cooperation

The landlord or Trip to can at any time terminate the cooperation (eg through an informal e-mail), provided that there are no upcoming rentals or outstanding debts. Confirmed reservation is the landlord obligated to implement. Furthermore, we refer to the Trip To's the general conditions (see above).

Moreover Trip To AB's Terms of use/Privacy policy apply.

